

Meet the Circular Design Netherlands
Dec 06, 2023 (WED) 10:00 – 12:00

112年12月6日(三)10:00-12:00(09:30 開放活動進場)


本次論壇將強調循環設計作為產業創新導入循環經濟轉型的核心組成的重要性。 邀請到荷蘭循環經濟熱點(Holland Circular Hotspot)的執行長Freek van Eijk,他同時也是歐盟循環經濟利害關係人平台(European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform)的資深統籌,藉由他在循環經濟領域專長以及與各國交流的豐富經驗,期待與台灣的產官學研共同交換,如何透過創新循環設計,解決循環經濟轉型的挑戰,討論政府政策設計 (例如: 循環採購設計、限塑政策設計等),產業創新策略設計、商業模式設計 (例如: FAIRPHONE等)、公眾參與的設計等等,荷蘭及歐盟的經驗分享,並與台灣的領域專家對談。

Looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of transitioning to a circular economy?
The industry in the Netherlands would like to expand its market and make an impact on global sustainability issues and to achieve a circular shift through design.
This forum will highlight the importance of circular design as a core component of sectoral innovation towards the transition of circular economy.
Freek van Eijk, CEO of Holland Circular Economy Hotspot, who is also the senior coordinator of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, is invited to using his expertise in the field of circular economy and his rich experiences in collaborating with various countries worldwide, looking forward to exchanging ideas with industry, government, academia, and research institutes in Taiwan on how to solve the challenges of circular economy transition through innovative circular design.
The forum will discuss government policy design (for example: circular procurement design, plastic policy design, and etc.), industrial innovation strategy design, business model design (e.g. FAIRPHONE and more), public engagement design, and etc., and will exchange the knowledges and experiences among the Netherlands, EU, and Taiwan.

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