
2022 18th Ukraine International Invention Competition

Under the guidance of Professor Deng-Chuan Cai, student Xiao Yuting was awarded the 'Gold Prize' at the 2022 18th Ukraine International Invention Competition.

Competition Name: 2022 18th Ukraine International Invention Competition Competition Schedule: September 22 - September 24, 2022 Competition Organizer: Chinese Innovation and Invention Society https://www.innosociety.org/m/412-1649-19332.php

Award Received: Gold Prize Project Name: Dementia prevention bicycle Guidance Teacher: Deng-Chuan Cai Awarded Student: Xiao Yuting Department: Graduate Institute of Design

Competition Official Website: https://www.innosociety.org/m/412-1649-19332.php
Exhibition of Award-Winning Works: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPr8hPvRe_nrqg4tDCq_ibKcuf-NM-eMm_l9WgG675tSqbQck-weV7qIHeDjFW7eQ?key=QWI2dEdWYXN3YXRzek9SUFhlaDBpUGRKY2NUUHpn
Related News Link: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/4071485

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