
2021ICID-Design for Heart: Interdisciplinary Integrating Study for Application of Soothing and heali

2021 International Cross Cultural Integrating Design Workcamp

Design for Heart: Interdisciplinary Integrating Study for Application of Soothing and healing design

1. Event Theme

Analyzing human psychology and applying interdisciplinary integration topics for soothing and healing design.

2. Event Objectives

This event aims to explore the management of human psychological emotions in the post-pandemic era of COVID-19. Through a five-day international workshop, it provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange. The workshop employs a cross-disciplinary design activity model, offering participants a unique design experience. Participants, through a series of themed courses and design training, will develop cross-disciplinary recognition and familiarity with design integration concepts. The event, focused on design practice and incorporating sensory experiences, analyzes human psychology, practices cross-disciplinary design thinking, utilizes integration methods for diverse design, and innovates in creating designs that comfort and soothe, contributing to the value of cultural exchange.

3. Execution Values of the Event

  1. Analyzing Human Psychology
    Through themed courses, participants learn to innovate by incorporating human psychology and the sensory experience into design thinking, aiding individuals in enhancing their mental well-being.

  2. Team Collaboration Model
    Conducted in a physical setting, the event establishes innovative teacher-student exchanges through on-site themed lectures. Participants, organized into groups, collaboratively create a piece, fostering a spirit of teamwork.

  3. Cultivating Logical Concepts of Design Thinking
    From design conception to concept convergence, practical execution, and completion of design, the event employs a simultaneous approach of themed courses and design practice training. This method, along with time-controlled training, achieves an efficient and logical design thinking model, inspiring forward-looking design practices with a sense of social responsibility.

  4. Learning Practical Design Skills
    Practical learning is achieved through on-site themed courses, group projects, and expert discussions. Themed courses assist participants in combining course content with group discussions, incorporating natural healing and insight into the five senses teaching, and learning to approach the core of design from multiple perspectives for integrated application.

4. Event Dates

  • Workshop Dates: June 28, 2021 (Monday) - July 2, 2021 (Friday)
  • Event Format: Due to a significant outbreak of the pandemic in mid-May, all originally planned on-site lectures have been moved to online delivery using the Teams system.

5. Organizing Units

  • Supervising Unit: Ministry of Education, Taiwan
  • Organizer: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
  • Executing Unit: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Institute of Design Studies


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