
2020ICID-Taiwanese Aesthetics:Research and Appilication

1. Activity Format

The main focus of this event is on-site practical courses, supplemented by interactions with industry experts. Through a series of themed courses, participants are encouraged to collaborate in groups, combining their understanding of course content and creating a collaborative piece. This approach aims to cultivate a spirit of teamwork.

2. Activity Process

  • Form of Activities:

    • The event emphasizes on-site practical courses as the primary format, with supplementary interactions with industry experts. Themed courses, group discussions, and collaborative creation are crucial components to foster a spirit of teamwork.
  • Activity Flow:

    • Before the commencement of the exchange activities, the staff will brief the participating students on the key learning points of the event, the final presentation format, and its key aspects. The event consists of four themed courses, including real-time Q&A sessions with instructors. Participants learn to apply design thinking and related technical knowledge to conceive and execute themes in subsequent stages. Through processes such as group discussions, design presentations, and plan execution, they spark different ideas and propose culturally distinctive designs. The aim is to experience and execute Taiwanese aesthetics and culture.
  • Expected Outcomes:

    • During the event, team members collaborate to conceive a series of themed image designs. The final presentation includes judging by a panel of experts. After the event concludes, an online platform will be set up to simultaneously log student design outcomes and group discussion ideation processes.

Activity Content

1. Activity Theme:

  • Taiwanese Design Aesthetics Research and Application - Innovative Design Projects in Taiwanese Aesthetic Culture

2. Activity Objectives:

  • This event explores Taiwanese aesthetics as its main theme, complemented by a six-day international workshop to practice cultural exchange. Using a cross-disciplinary design activity model, participants gain a unique design experience, cultivating cultural awareness and familiarity with design integration concepts through a series of themed courses and design training. The event, oriented towards design practice, analyzes Taiwan's unique aesthetic perspectives and cultural characteristics. It assists in redefining and innovating Taiwanese aesthetic culture, contributing to the value of cultural exchange.

3. Execution Values of the Event:

  1. Understanding Unique Taiwanese Aesthetics:

    • Themed courses and traditional cultural teachings help participants understand Taiwanese aesthetics, combining aesthetic knowledge with cultural stimulation, contributing to cultural revitalization.
  2. Team Collaboration Model:

    • Conducted in a physical setting, the event establishes innovative teacher-student exchanges through on-site themed lectures. Participants, organized into groups, collaboratively create a piece, fostering a spirit of teamwork.
  3. Cultivating Logical Concepts of Design Thinking:

    • From design conception to concept convergence, practical execution, and completion of design. The event employs a simultaneous approach of themed courses and design practice training, inspiring forward-looking design practices with a sense of social responsibility.
  4. Learning Practical Design Skills:

    • Practical learning is achieved through on-site themed courses, group projects, and expert discussions. Themed courses assist participants in combining course content with group discussions, incorporating early analysis and visual information system learning to convey design messages correctly, ultimately redefining and interpreting culture.
Event pic:

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