
The 8th International Design Study Forum and Conference (IDSFC 2021)

Conference Theme: Design Revolution:Reconnection and Rebuilding

Conference Purpose: The 8th International Design Research Forum and Conference (IDSFC 2021) is scheduled to take place from July 8th (Thursday) to July 9th (Friday) at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. It aims to provide a platform for interaction and exchange of design concepts for practitioners and researchers in related fields.

The purpose of this conference is to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among academic researchers and experts, fostering the transformation and creation of new ideas. It aims to promote the exchange of design innovation and collaboration opportunities, expecting innovative thinking and collaborative patterns from different perspectives.

Given the rapidly changing context of the COVID-19 pandemic, advancements in artificial intelligence, and other contemporary events, research articles and practical studies are sought on the following themes: product design, urban and rural spaces, community atmosphere, design education, interactive interfaces, brand creativity, visual communication, digital media, and other design-related fields. Experts, scholars, and graduate students from industrial, governmental, and academic sectors worldwide are welcome to participate in IDSFC 2021.

Conference Objectives: The 8th International Design Research Forum and Conference (IDSFC 2021) will be held from July 8th to 9th at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (NYUST). It provides an interactive platform for various perspectives on design practice and design research.

The conference aims to promote collaboration and exchange among experts from different disciplines, fostering the generation of innovative thinking and new frameworks. In the face of events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, dynamic societal changes, and the prevalence of artificial intelligence, contributions are encouraged in academic and practical research in areas such as product design, architectural environments, community development, design education, interactive interfaces, cultural and creative brands, visual communication, and digital media. Experts, researchers, and graduate students from various disciplines are welcomed to join this conference.

Event Summary:

  • Conference Name: The 8th International Design Research Forum and Conference (IDSFC 2021)
  • Conference Dates: July 8th (Thursday) - July 9th (Friday)
  • Format: Fully Online Presentation
  • Venue: College of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
  • Address: No. 123, Section 3, University Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County 64002, Taiwan
  • Contact: idsfcyuntech@gmail.com
  • Official Website: https://sites.google.com/view/idsfc2021

Conference Highlights:

  • Conference Name: The 8th International Design Research Forum and Conference (IDSFC 2021)
  • Conference Dates: July 8th to 9th (Thursday to Friday)
  • Conducted via Online Publishing
  • Venue: College of Design, Yunlin University of Science and Technology
  • Address: No. 123, Section 3, University Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County 64002, Taiwan
  • Contact: idsfcyuntech@gmail.com
  • Official Website: https://sites.google.com/view/idsfc2021

Call for Papers: The conference theme, "Design Revolution:Reconnection and Rebuilding" invites contributions in the following design-related areas in the form of academic papers or practical research outcomes (English abstract, full Chinese text, and oral presentation):

  • Design History and Design Theory
  • Brand and Corporate Identity Design
  • Interdisciplinary Design
  • Design Education
  • Human Factor Design
  • Sustainable Design
  • Digital Media Design
  • Urban Communication Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Design and Culture
  • Design Practice and Case Studies
  • Service Design
  • Universal Design and Inclusive Design
  • Other Fields


  • Design History, Design Theory
  • Brand, Corporate Image
  • Interdisciplinary Design
  • Design Education
  • Human Factors, Ergonomics
  • Sustainable Design
  • Digital Media Design
  • Visual Communication Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Design and Culture
  • Design Practice, Design Case Studies
  • Service Design
  • Universal Design, Inclusive Design
  • Other Fields

Presentation Format (Chinese Abstract, Full Chinese Text, Oral Presentation):

  • Chinese Online Oral Presentation: 10-minute presentation, 5-minute discussion and Q&A.
  • Poster Chinese Presentation: Online exhibition from July 8th to July 9th, from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Presentation Format (English Oral Presentation, English Abstract, Oral Presentation):

  • Online English Oral Presentation: 10-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A.
  • Online Poster Presentation: July 8th to 9th, from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.


Event pic: 



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